Nonprofit Empowers Children with Learning Differences

Children with learning differences too often live within limitations imposed on them by others. Many people only expect so much from children who are different, to the point where those children are kept in a safety net and never pushed to reach their full potential.

However, given the proper welcoming environment and compassionate leadership, every child can exceed those limiting perceptions. Teachers at ClearWater, a nonprofit private school for children with learning differences in grades 1 through 12, dedicate themselves to discovering the strengths of each individual and filling them with the confidence that they can grow more expressive and pursue fulfilling lives.

“Give kids [with learning differences] a chance,” says Principal Tommy Collins, and you will see how much potential they have.

Each week, a group of high schoolers from ClearWater Academy volunteer at Clothes Less Traveled as part of their work-based learning program. Led by Mrs. Kelli Amico, a Teaching Assistant from the school, they open up to the dynamic experiences in the thrift shop. Getting stuffed animals ready for sale, preparing newspapers to wrap delicate items, and sharing a smile as they help bag customers’ items at check-out are all valuable contributions each individual makes towards the positive culture of the hard-working team here at CLT.

Their volunteering helps CLT succeed and, more importantly, allows the students the opportunity to socialize with our loving local community. ClearWater students are given assignments while volunteering such as: introduce yourself to five people today and learn their names. These exercises teach the students that getting out of their comfort-zone and meeting new people is rewarding as they make new friends and connect with CLT’s volunteers, donors, and shoppers.

“CLT has been an incredible blessing to ClearWater Academy for many years,” says Heidi Johnson, Head of School at ClearWater. “Our students love being a part of the CLT community, and the experience they are gaining is invaluable.”

Since opening its doors in 2008, ClearWater Academy has grown to serve 38 students from families in Fayette County. ClearWater empowers students with autism and other developmental disabilities with the academic, social, emotional, therapeutic, career development, and independent living skills they need to be contributing members of society. The academy also directly supports the families of students by reducing the stress of the conflicting demands of education and therapy, providing transportation and supplies, and tailoring lessons to maximize each child’s chance to learn and succeed.

A $13,124 Annual Grant from CLT helped the school purchase a new reading curriculum, Chromebooks and iPads for the growing student body, a van to shuttle students around town, and repair a drainage problem on their property.

Looking to expand in the coming years, ClearWater plans to grow their post-secondary program services to benefit students aging out of school. This program will emphasize career development for the young adults. Buying the land across the street from the school will create space for a gymnasium, culinary kitchen, and rooms for work training experience.

CLT proudly supports ClearWater Academy’s efforts to provide all children with a quality education that supports their needs.

Visit their website to learn more about ClearWater Academy.

If you lead a nonprofit in Fayette or Coweta County, you can find information on qualifying for a CLT grant on our eligibility page.


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