Fostered Children Clothed in Care by Local Nonprofit

Clothes Less Traveled Thrift Shop Volunteer Coordinator Presents Grant Check to and Bloom Our Youth Director

Thirteen thousand innocent children experienced the anxiety, confusion, and loneliness of navigating Georgia’s foster care system each year. Abruptly removed from the only life they have ever known, foster children entering the system usually leave behind all their possessions. Who will help them through this turbulent journey? 

Bloom Our Youth, a nationally recognized and accredited nonprofit foster care organization, works to build a better path for these vulnerable children. Connecting the community to evidence-based programs, Bloom supports safe, nurturing foster families with the training and help they need to heal and thrive.

The entire foster family certification, including application, initial training, and continuing education can be completed through Bloom University. Family Consultants and Support Staff compose the dedicated team that continues the support for families at all hours of the day, seven days a week. Emergency crisis support, one-on-one in-home parent coaching sessions, trauma-informed training, and weekly consulting sessions are just a few ways in which foster children are provided a balance of service, support, and reassurance during challenging times.

In addition to the training programs, free clothing and school supplies are provided to children through The Bloom Closet program. At The Bloom Closet, children get to enjoy the whimsical décor of the ‘store’ while experiencing the fun of ‘shopping’ for their own outfits. Even young teens who may otherwise not attend important peer-bonding events like prom and home coming, can find quality clothing to connect with their friends like any other kid.

The most underserved children are reached by the The Bloom Closet Express, a bus transformed into a mobile clothing store. With these wheels, they reach children all over Georgia to show them the dignity they deserve. Even toys are available to promote a sense of normalcy in foster children’s lives.

The ability to reach and serve so many was built from the original vision of Bloom’s founder. In 1985, Jim Friday started up a grass roots movement in Fayette County to provide a safety net for foster children. Thirty-seven years later, Jim’s movement has transformed into Bloom, positively impacting so many lives of children and youth in the foster care system.

A $19,750 annual grant from Clothes Less Traveled helped Bloom continue this growth in outreach and expanded their programs to meet the needs of thousands of foster children. In just this past year, children received 140,000 items - valued at one million dollars total - of free clothing, school supplies, computers, toiletries, and more.

“Thanks to the generosity of citizens in Fayette and surrounding counties and organizations like CLT, we have served, sheltered and supported tens of thousands of foster children in our area and all across the state of Georgia,” says Bloom President and CEO Becky Davenport.

CLT proudly supports Bloom’s efforts to improve the lives of foster children and their families in our local community.

Visit their website to learn more about Bloom Our Youth.

If you lead a nonprofit in Fayette or Coweta County, you can find information on qualifying for a CLT grant on our eligibility page.


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